The cost for booking a limo depends on a couple factors which include number of people coming, number of hours required, date of booking, type of limo requested, and any extras such as decorations and champagne (included in most Wedding Packages for most companies), and extra pick ups/drop offs.
When picking a limo for your Wedding:
Choose from:
8 passenger sedan limos (seats 6 comfortably)
10 passenger sedan limos (seats 8 comfortably)
12 passenger SUV limos (seats 10 comfortably)
14 passenger SUV limos (seats 12 comfortably)
14-22 passenger SUV limos (seats 12-20 comfortably)
20-40 passenger bus limos (seats 18-38 comfortably)
Rolls Royce Phantom Limousine , Mercedes S550 Limousine , BMW Limousine, and other types of luxury stretches.
SUV limos can include Ford Excursion Limousines,Lincoln Navigator Limousines ,Hummer Limousines , Escalades Limousines, and more luxury SUV stretches.
After choosing a limo right for you and your Wedding Party, try to determine how long you would be needing the limousine. Be sure to include enough time for transportation to the ceremony, from the ceremony to stop and take pictures, and to the reception, so that you aren't charged overtime fees.
Call the company and ask about cancellation fees, overtime charges, deposits, and always try to see the limo in person beforehand to be sure it is in good condition.
Book the Wedding Package for you depending on how long you'd be needing it. Packages can range from 3 -8 hours, and should be made around your schedule.
Feel comfortable with the company you're going with and be sure they can deliver the promised service.
When trying to find limousine service for your Wedding in Edmonton, be sure to visit Edmonton Wedding Limos.
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